The actor broke down in the court after the judgment was passed and has now decided to challenge his conviction in the High Court. While we see some more tareekh pe tareekh coming his way till the final judgment arrives, back in the film industry some celebs are seeing the 7 year jail as a bit too harsh for the actor.
One of the filmwallahs to stand up for Shiney isArshad Warsi. Lashing out at the judgment Arshad blogged, "Murderers, terrorist and corrupt politicians are walking free and Shiney Ahuja gets 7 years imprisonment. Judiciary should stop targeting actors so blatantly."
As the star started receiving flak from some about having a soft corner for 'rapist' Shiney, he clarified he stand, "I am NOT saying Shiney's right but don't forget that Kasab is still enjoying our hospitality."
He further lamented on the fact about influential people getting away even after committing the gravest of crimes, "Do u know the number of rapes that happen in our country on a daily basis by influential and connected people? Those cases are not even registered."
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